Final Result
Despite the many twists and turns that this project took, we are still incredibly proud of our results. Although our goals for the final project drastically changed throughout the summer, we were still able to produce a short digital film which showcases our skills with unreal engine, obs, and qlab. It is a story which has gone through many changes, and one which utilized our creative thinking and collaboration skills. This project was originally meant to be a live performance, making use of all the different technology we learned. Our first plan was to have a set in Haugen theater. The actors would be able to use the oculus headset to see the worlds we created, and we would be able to display them to the audience via video projecting. As it became apparent that this wouldn't be possible, we adapted and quickly decided to record the actors and edit in the worlds we created in unreal engine. Regardless of the form our final project took, we have learned so many different programs and we are now capable of creating even more content in the future. We have only scratched the surface of them, and continuing to use them will only deepen our abilities.